Techno Camon Eye Sky3 launches in India. Based on Android 9 Pie, Techno camon isky 3 is priced at Rs 8599 in India. Techno Camon isky 3 has 2 GB RAM with quad-core processor. The company has given 32 GB internal storage for storage in it. It is possible to increase the storage with the help of MicroSD card. Apart from this, Techno Camon iSky3 has a 6.2 inch HD + screen with an aspect ratio of 19:9.
A battery of 3,500 mAh battery has been given to boost the phone. Talking about the camera setup of Techno Camon isky 3, this handset comes with two rear cameras. The back part of the phone has a 13-megapixel primary sensor and 2 megapixel secondary sensor. An 8 megapixel front camera is provided for selfie and video calling. In addition, this phone will get a fingerprint sensor on the AI Face Unlock and Back panel. According to the company, Techno Camon ISky 3 will come with one-time screen replacement, 100 days free replacement and one month extended warranty. The smartphone will be available in Midnight Black, Aqua Blue, Champagne Gold and Nebula Black.