Home News Twitter did more Dark Mode

Twitter did more Dark Mode

Twitter did more Dark Mode

Microblogging site Twitter has made ‘dark mode’ darker by its promise because some users had complained about dark mode before and CEO Jack Dorsi had made a promise to users in Super Dark mode in January. Twitter has shared the video on its official handler. Let’s say that users will now get more Dark Themes than existing Dark Mode on twitter app. In the dark mode that was previously available, the app was seen in a little blue shade instead of black, which many users did not like.

Now the settings have included a new option, after clicking on which existing dark mode will appear on pitch-black theme. Information about this feature is provided by Twitter itself by posting videos to their official handler. Open the Twitter app for this. Settings and privacy will go in section. After clicking on display and sound, there will be option to switch on dark mode. After turning on it, the current Blue-Black theme will appear on the app. Here’s the new second option Light Out too. Once on this icon like the bulb, the dark mode of the app will be based entirely on black. With this help will save battery, tweet text will also appear in better and white color.


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